Federal Interagency Committee on EMS (FICEMS)
The Federal Interagency Committee on Emergency Medical Services (FICEMS) was established by Congress in 2005 to ensure coordination among Federal agencies supporting local, regional, State, tribal, and territorial EMS and 911 systems. FICEMS provides a forum for Federal agencies and staff to collaborate to improve EMS delivery across the nation.
FICEMS Member Agencies

Department of Defense (DoD)
The Department of Defense provides criteria, guidance and instructions to inform the delivery of EMS in appropriate DoD programs. Worldwide, DoD active duty and civilian EMS personnel respond to emergency incidents both on military installations and (through mutual aid agreements) in the local community. Unique to the DoD, EMS personnel trained both to community standards and specialized levels of care deliver EMS in forward deployed and hostile areas, including in combat and combat support.

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
The Department of Homeland Security provides the coordinated, comprehensive Federal response in the event of a terrorist attack, natural disaster or other large-scale emergency while working with Federal, State, local and private-sector partners to ensure a swift and effective recovery effort.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
The Department of Homeland Security provides the coordinated, comprehensive Federal response in the event of a terrorist attack, natural disaster or other large-scale emergency while working with Federal, State, local and private-sector partners to ensure a swift and effective recovery effort.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
The Federal Communications Commission, through its Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (PSHSB), works to ensure that first responders, including EMS personnel, have access to reliable, interoperable equipment during emergencies. The PSHSB provides information on Federal resources available to EMS personnel, assists in the development of emergency communications plans, and enrolls first responder organizations in priority services, including the telecommunications service priority (TSP), wireless priority service (WPS), and government entity telecommunications service (GETS).

Department of Transportation (DOT)
Through its Office of EMS, the Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reduces death and disability by providing leadership and coordination to the EMS community in assessing, planning, developing, and promoting comprehensive, evidence-based emergency medical services and 911 systems. Specifically, NHTSA partners with peer agencies to advance a National vision for EMS and collects and analyzes the data EMS managers need to make critical decisions.
FICEMS Strategic Plan
In 2021, FICEMS member agencies collaborated with other Federal and national stakeholders to develop a new strategic plan to guide the Committee’s activities through 2025. The development process resulted in the creation of a mission and a vision statement for FICEMS.
FICEMS Vision Statement: A Federal interagency committee that enhances coordination and strategically aligns emergency medical services and 911 systems priorities among Federal agencies to ensure safe and effective delivery of healthcare in the out-of-hospital environment.
FICEMS Mission Statement: Ensure coordination and consistency among Federal agencies supporting Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial emergency medical services and 911 systems to improve the delivery of services throughout the Nation.
Learn more about the FICEMS objectives and planned activities in the 2021 Strategic Plan.
FICEMS Meetings
Public meetings of the Federal Interagency Committee on EMS are held twice per year. Sign up to receive updates about FICEMS meetings, including information on how to register for webcasts and in-person meetings. Questions about FICEMS meetings can be directed to Clary Mole at clary.mole@dot.gov or 202-366-2795.
Meeting agendas, minutes and working group updates as well as position documents and recommendations are available for FICEMS meetings from 2006.
FICEMS Reports
FICEMS has commissioned reports and research papers on topics ranging from telemedicine in EMS to pandemic preparedness. In addition, FICEMS members have issued position statements and letters on current EMS issues.
FICEMS is currently focused on achieving the seven goals set out in its five-year strategic plan, released in 2021.
Those goals are:
Coordinated and integrated Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial EMS and 911 systems that provide safe and efficient high-quality patient care
Data-driven, evidence-based, and standardized EMS and 911 systems that help to improve the quality of out-of-hospital patient care
EMS and 911 systems effectively integrated into Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial preparedness planning, response, and recovery
EMS and 911 systems that are people-centered, sustainable, forward-looking and integrated with the overall healthcare system
An EMS and 911 culture in which safety considerations for patients, practitioners and the community permeate the full spectrum of activities
Uniform, credentialed EMS and 911 workforce with the education, skills and competency to keep pace with evolving healthcare needs
Federal interagency committee processes, operations and strategies that enhance FICEMS effectiveness and adaptability