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EMS Focus Webinars

A Collaborative Federal Webinar Series

These free webinars provide the EMS community with a unique opportunity to learn more about Federal EMS efforts and programs. Together with our Federal partners, the NHTSA Office of EMS will address issues important to the EMS community and share the latest news and information about federal resources and programs.

Upcoming Webinars

Mark your calendar for our upcoming webinars and register to receive updates on our next topics and speakers.

Jun, 2024
Trends in Trauma Care: A Focus on Crash Injuries and Post-Crash Care

Recent Webinars

How Ready Is Your Agency to Provide Pediatric Care? Build Your Clinicians’ Confidence When Treating Children

Apr 23, 2024

The majority of EMS agencies (81%) receive fewer than eight pediatric calls a month. This limited interaction with children results in clinicians being less familiar—and less confident—in providing