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Reducing EMS Workforce Injuries and Illness: What the Data Tell Us

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A day in the life of an EMS practitioner carries the risk of injury or illness. In fact, data show that EMS workers experience a higher rate of work-related injuries than the general workforce. These injuries jeopardize their careers and also put a strain on the profession due to lost productivity and high turnover. This webinar discusses a national study of EMS workforce safety led by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). You’ll hear about both local and national efforts to improve EMS workplace safety and reduce injuries.


Audrey Reichard, MPH, OTR, Epidemiologist in the NIOSH Division of Safety Research
Mike Szczygiel, Chair of the National Association of EMT’s EMS Safety Committee
Bryan McRay, Director of Safety for Richmond Ambulance Authority
Noah Smith, MPH, EMT, NHTSA’s Office of EMS