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NEMSAC: Ten Years of Representing EMS in Washington

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For more than a decade, individuals have served on the National EMS Advisory Council (NEMSAC) representing diverse stakeholders within the EMS community and advising the U.S. government on important national issues affecting EMS. The council has worked to elevate the profession through open and thoughtful discussion and recommendations on topics ranging from an EMS culture of safety to the educational system, and data collection to community paramedicine. In this webinar, the panel discusses NEMSAC’s most impactful recommendations to date, innovations in EMS that have come as a direct result of NEMSAC’s recommendations, and why EMS community leaders should apply to serve on the council.


Aarron Reinert, Former NEMSAC Chair
Vince Robbins, Current NEMSAC Chair
Jon Krohmer, MD, Director of the Office of EMS
Noah Smith, MPH, EMT, Office of EMS