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April 2020

Update from Dr. Jon Krohmer

EMS clinicians across the country are dealing with an unprecedented pandemic. The NHTSA Office of EMS staff is working hard to coordinate with other federal agencies and support the dedicated EMS professionals helping communities fight COVID-19.

New COVID-19 Resources and Webinars

The Office of EMS launched a new page on featuring links to up-to-date resources for EMS clinicians and leaders. Make sure to visit and bookmark this page so you know where to find the latest information relevant to EMS and COVID-19.

Addressing Personal Protective Equipment Challenges

In order to ensure a coordinated, effective response to COVID-19, EMS and other first responder organizations must follow proper procedures for requesting assistance resupplying PPE. Read more about the process here.

EMS Agenda 2050, Federal Role in EMS Discussed at EMS Today

Building the EMS system envisioned by EMS Agenda 2050 will take time but we have to start now, several speakers said at the EMS Today conference in early March. The federal role in supporting EMS systems was also on the agenda at the meeting.

Work on National EMS Education Standards, Other Projects, Continues

While the Office of EMS, its federal partners and EMS personnel across the country are focused on responding to COVID-19, other important work hasn't stopped. Find out more about some of the national projects going on right now.