April 2023
EMS Week 2023 Breakdown: Access Daily Resources!
EMS Week is approaching; this year it’ll be held May 21-27. It’s time to honor the dedicated clinicians tirelessly serving our communities. Discover resources that can help with your planning.

3 Ways Highway Safety & EMS Can Work Together
Transportation and highway safety professionals are looking for new and better ways to work with EMS and 911 toward our shared goal of preventing roadway deaths and injuries. Explore the best ways to collaborate.

All-in-One: The EMS.gov Resources Hub
You’ll find all things EMS on the EMS.gov’s completely updated Resources Hub. This comprehensive resource center makes it easy to search for, browse and download a wide variety of documents, reports and guidelines created by NHTSA’s OEMS, our partners and other stakeholders.

Highlights from February Meeting of the National EMS Advisory Council (NEMSAC)
Catch up on the progress NEMSAC is making on recommendations regarding EMS in February’s meeting and register to attend their upcoming meeting this month.